we discover, collaborate, create, and then deliver


We build you a custom marketing campaign that specifically targets certain regions, the hours you prefer and programs that your facility provides.

Optimize Treatment Calls has over 15 years of experience in the alcohol and drug rehab marketing vertical. OTC has worked many advertising angles and different ways to bring treatment centers business and in this time have discovered methods that will connect those in need to your facility. Each one of our clients is unique, so the advertising plan that we discuss and put forward for you will be specifically geared towards your facility and needs. Once the relationship begins, we work closely with you, your staff, and your call representatives to continually dial in the best possible outcome for your campaigns. Let us provide you with a free consultation, by filling in the form  here.

rehab google search campaigns

Search Campaigns

OTC creates new or takes on existing search campaigns. We  eliminate the guess work with our proprietary software. Our software optimizes search campaigns based of millions of dollars of advertising spend through google Adwords.

rehab pay per call company

Pay Per Call Campaigns

We provide many options with our drug and alcohol treatment center pay per call traffic. These campaigns include premium branded and unbranded calls from advertisements and raw organic generic calls that include a 30-second buffer. We now provide mental health pay per call campaigns.